Commiphora mukul (Guggulu) 2018-03-10T17:27:35+00:00

Commiphora mukul (Guggulu)

Guggulu (Commiphora mukul) is made from the gum resin of the Balsamodendron Mukul tree. Its English name is Indian bedellium. In Ayurveda, it is considered to be the most powerful remedy for the buildup of ama in the form of cholesterol and mucus. Excess ama inhibits the body’s natural ability to rejuvenate. For thousands of years, Ayurvedic doctors have used Guggulu to treat a wide variety of conditions including high cholesterol, stiff joints and joint discomfort, obesity, menstrual cramps, sinus issues and circulatory and nervous system disorders. Guggulu is balancing to kapha and helps reduce fat in the body. Heralded for its ability to actually scrape toxic accumulation, it is indicated for many kapha and vata imbalances. These potent detoxification properties are also highly beneficial for individuals who are in the process of purification from a toxic lifestyle.

Benefits of Commiphora mukul

The exudates of Commiphora mukul have strong connection with blood. It can purify the blood and enhance the flow too. It can promote healthy cholesterol level and scrape toxins from circulatory system thereby yielding supple arteries and protecting the heart. Guggulu is a liver stimulant and assists the digestion of oil and fats and accordingly assist weight management.

  • Promotes detoxification and rejuvenation
  • Purifies the blood
  • Helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels already within the normal range
  • Improves digestion
  • Promotes healthy weight management
  • Supports comfortable movement of the joints
  • A natural source of antioxidants
  • Supports the immune system
  • Helps engender vibrant, healthy skin
  • Supports a regular menstrual cycle